About Flutster

Flutster is a Flutter plugin and services that can be used with this plugin.

Flutster has been created by JODLI LLP . JODLI LLP is a company focused on software development. JODLI LLP belongs to two persons who don’t work for any other entity while working on Flutster.

The aim of Flutster is to automate Android application integration testing by reproducing the screen (mouse and keyboard) interactions and comparing screenshots. Thus, Flutster is a solution to ensure the behavior of an application remains constant through its development lifecycle.

Android application screen interactions are recorded with the help of scrcpy .

The Flutster plugin is open source and can be improved by the GitHub users.

The Flutster main site is based on custom proprietary developments which source code is not disclosed.

We welcome your requests, comments, questions, remarks and suggestions through the contact form.